Heard of Cosplay, Comic-Con, Dragon-Con or SCA?

Canva - Woman Dressed As An Elf In Autumn

Picture courtesy of V. Borodinova

Home economics & school-based sewing classes may be gone with the wind; however, sewing definitely is NOT dead!  The Maker movement, coupled with a STEAM focus in schools, has made sewing “sexy” again.  High school students and young adults (< 40) have reignited an interest in garment sewing thanks to Cosplay (think dress-up and costumes for grown-ups).  Sewing, knitting and crochet clubs are spouting up as after-school enrichment clubs, in library Maker Spaces, at recreation centers, and in quilt shops/stitch lounges across the country.

While Cosplay sewing does involve garment sewing skills, it’s more costume oriented – which  means you may not have to spend as much time on the finishing details and fussing over fit. The main driver of the time, attention and care given to garment construction, fit and embellishment will largely depend on how many times you plan to wear the costume.

If you are a former garment sewer – now turned quilter or other type of sewist – do not be afraid to dust off those skills and offer to teach your DGD/DGS (and their friends) how to read a clothing pattern and how to use a sewing machine.  Costuming generally doesn’t require the precision and perfection of your high school Home Ec teacher. If you find yourself sounding like your old Home Ec teacher (unless she was nice), then just STOP IT!  Take a deep breath and remember creating is a messy process. The kids have to start somewhere. If you don’t, you’ll scare them off from sewing – and none of us wants that.  

If you are interested in Cosplay sewing classes in the South Cobb area, let me know. Classes can be held at either Mable House or at Stitch N Quilt.  

P.S. No sewing machine? You can rent one of my computerized sewing machines for $5.00 per class. 

Curious about Cosplay? Check out these links:

If you live in the Atlanta area, be sure to check out Best Fabrics and Gail K. Fabrics for awesome Cosplay fabrics that you probably won’t find at Hobby Lobby or Joann’s.